Education and the Environment Book

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The EIC Model™
Environment as an Integrating Context for improving student learning

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Education and the Environment Creating Standards-Based Programs in Schools and Districts
    In this timely book, curriculum expert Gerald A. Lieberman provides an innovative guide to creating and implementing environment-based education, a new type of education that combines standards-based lessons on English language arts, math, history, and science with community-based investigations and environmental service-learning projects.
    By connecting academic content with local investigations, environmental study becomes not simply another thing added to the classroom schedule but an engaging, thought-provoking context for learning multiple subjects.

Closing the Achievement Gap: Using the Environment as an Integrating Context
    SEER's 112-page report of a nationwide study of 40 U. S. schools that use Environment as an Integrating Context for learning (EIC). It describes the EIC Model™'s major concepts, program characteristics, and implications for student learning.


Beyond Walls, Across Discipline -- Now Available on DVD
   This CINE Golden Eagle Award-Winner can be used to accompany either Education and the Environment Creating Standards-Based Programs in Schools and Districts or the Closing the Achievement Gap report. It presents an elementary, middle and high school implementing the EIC Model™ and shows EIC's potential across the disciplines (66 min).
   The video is provided on a DVD and can play either in a computer or a DVD player.

rainbarState Education and Environment Roundtable
13648 Jackrabbit Road
Poway, California 92064
Telephone: (858) 676-0272
Fax: (508) 462-8331

Founding Sponsor The Pew Charitable Trusts 

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The "EIC Model™" and "using the Environment as an Integrating Context for
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Last update 1/1/2018